
Environmental Carcinogens

Environmental factors can include smoking, diet, sun exposure, and infectious diseases, as well as chemicals and radiation in our homes and workplaces. Learn more about these risks and how you can reduce them.
General Information About Carcinogens
A carcinogen is a substance known or believed to cause cancer in humans. Better understand a number of specific known and possible carcinogens and how they might affect your risk for cancer..
Infectious Agents and Cancer
Learn how certain viruses, bacteria, and parasites are recognized risk factors for several types of cancer in humans.
Air Pollution
Read about the connection between different kinds of air pollution and your risk for cancer.
Medical Treatments
Understand more about the cancer risk associated with such medical treatments as hormone replacement therapy and others.
Find out how radiation from cellular phones, sunlight and UV radiation, and other sources affect your risk for cancer.
Exposure to some chemicals can affect your risk of getting cancer. Learn more here.
Consumer Products
Are the products you use everyday linked to cancer? Find out what current research says.